Social Justice at FUSIT
A central aspect of Unitarian Universalism is to restore balance to our community and the world. This translates to a firm commitment to social justice action, which traces back to our values. Because every person is sacred and there is an interdependent web of all existence, we cannot turn away from injustice.
Our justice work is more than just learning and sharing information. We aim to transform the world — and ourselves in the process. Social justice is woven throughout all of our programs, from religious education to worship to events. Our church leaders make programming and financial decisions based on our commitment to social justice.
You are invited to join in this mission. Transform yourself, as you transform the world. Visit our Volunteer Page for current social justice (and general FUSIT) volunteer opportunities and check out our Social Justice Activities below.
Social Justice Activities
March Side with Love and Shared Plate
For the month of March, the Code Blue Emergency Shelter has been chosen by the FUSIT lunch team, led by Jackie Jablonski, to be the recipient of the Side with Love collection and the Shared Plate. Once or twice a month this team makes a hot meal and delivers it to the Code Blue shelter. Items that you can provide to help the shelter offer a warm and safe space include:
individually wrapped breakfast bars
instant oatmeal packets
hot cocoa packets
juice boxes
hand warmers
pocket size packs of hand wipes
UUs of Color
Monday, March 3 at 6 pm
If you are a UU of Color, please join us Monday, March 3 from 6 – 7 pm for community, resource sharing, and activity planning. Please contact for online meeting details.
The Environmental Interest Circle
March 5 at 7 pm in the Parlor and over Zoom
The Environmental Interest Circle meets to discuss/exchange ideas and actions that further sustainable living for each one of us, for the FUSIT congregation, and for our congregation’s role in the greater community. This group usually meets the first Wednesday of the month. Email for Zoom link.
LGBTQ+ Group Meets Monthly
This Small Group is especially for FUSIT’s LGBTQ+ community and meets monthly. All who identify on the LGBTQ+ continuum are welcome. Come enjoy this opportunity for fellowship and community within our larger FUSIT community, in a safe, confidential and nurturing environment. Please reach out to Ely at for more information.
8th Principle Action Ministry Meeting
Wednesday, March 26 at 7 pm via Zoom
(4th Wednesday of each month)
We will be discussing offering a cohort of Living the Pledge (volunteers are welcome and appreciated!) as well as continuing to meet as a Democracy Circle to find community and strength during this tumultuous time in our history. We’ll discuss some strategies and find grounding in actions we can take to affect change. All are welcome for discussion and ideas! Email for Zoom link
Side with Love and Shared Plate
Teams, Committees, and Small Groups are invited to sponsor a month for our Side with Love and Shared Plate Collections. The group would be responsible for choosing the organization, communicating with that organization about needed items for Side with Love, delivering goods, and communicating any pertinent information to Michelle and Loretta for the Newsletter, Weekly Announce, and Order of Service. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift up and support local or national organizations that do work that is meaningful to your team or group. Sign up information can be found below.
Side With Love and Shared Plate 2024-2025
Action Teams
Action Teams are formed by a person or group of people who identify a social justice topic on which they want to focus. These teams are somewhat dynamic and are created and discontinued based on current events and issues. The following is a description of the current or recent action teams:
- Environmental Interests Circle: Has a mission to support one another in developing sustainable habits and to provide information and resources to learn about how to live in a more environmentally sustainable way. Below are some resources we use to guide our monthly discussion.
- Sustainable Finger Lakes offers news articles related to sustainability and environmental conservation, lists sustainability-minded organizations for networking in a shared region, and offers resources and tips for an environmentally-conscious future.
- Tenant Resources Document– Ithaca’s Electrification ProgramThis document helps tenants understand how an energy-efficient upgrade, made by their landlord, would benefit them.
- A release from Cornell Cooperative Extension, this details what electrification means, how it works, and lists the benefits of “electrifying.”
- Health Care Reform: Working towards changing New York State and national laws to provide healthcare for all people. This group is currently tracking privatization as well as medical debt issues. Contact Judy Jones
- Your action team here!