UU Values
After a democratic process involving thousands of Unitarian Universalists discussing the faith’s values and core theology over the past three-plus years, delegates at General Assembly 2024 voted decisively to approve a new statement of values and beliefs for Unitarian Universalism, which places love at the center of this faith.

As Unitarian Universalists, Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values:
Interdependence: We honor the interdependent web of all existence. With reverence for the great web of life and with humility, we acknowledge our place in it.
Pluralism: We celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology.
Justice: We work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all thrive.
Transformation: We adapt to the changing world.
Generosity: We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.
Equity: We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion.
For the full statement of Unitarian Universalist values and covenants, click here.