Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry (SGM) is an important part of the life of our First Unitarian Society of Ithaca (FUSIT) community. Participants establish new and deeper connections with one another whether they are new to FUSIT or have been a member or friend for years.
Group members meet to explore topics important to their lives, sharing from the heart and listening deeply to one another. They find in their small group connection and belonging and a place for religious exploration and spiritual growth. Each group chooses a service project each church year that benefits
FUSIT or the greater Ithaca community or beyond. Performing this service deepens connections within the group and connection to FUSIT or the greater Ithaca community.
Small groups consist of 6-10 members and they meet once or twice a month, in homes, outside (weather permitting), or at FUSIT. Each small group includes a trained facilitator. Some facilitators choose all the topics and lead all of the discussions of their group. Many groups rotate choosing the topic and leading the discussion among the members, though individual members may elect not to do this. Small groups use varied sources for topics – Soul Matters, the UU Small Group Ministry Network, or topics suggested by members.
Group members are expected to commit to regular meeting times and to practice deep listening. Deep listening is a way of focusing intently on what another person is saying without interruption or simultaneously formulating a response. Deep listening also gives an individual an opportunity to speak without interruption or comment. Members of each small group agree to hold in strict confidence all
personal matters expressed by members of the group, to welcome new members as space allows, and to honor the diversity of thoughts and feelings of group members.
A small group meeting begins with a chalice lighting and opening words followed by a time to share what is happening in each member’s life. The discussion of a predetermined topic is followed by a check-out time to share a brief impression of how the meeting went, followed by closing words and extinguishing of the chalice.
Our current groups are listed below. If you would like to join Small Group Ministry (SGM), to find out if a group that fits your schedule has space for a new member, contact the SGM Team Leader, Marsha Kardon at 607-272-6582 or 607-592-2520 or Also, call if you have any questions about
SGM. Groups grow and change throughout the year, so check back if you can’t find a group that fits your schedule. Or consider facilitating your own group! If this is interesting to you, contact Marsha Kardon.
Meets: Sunday evening on zoom
Facilitator: Sue Roenke
Meets: 9-10:15 am on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at FUSIT
Facilitator: Sue Rakow
Meets: 9 am on the fourth Sunday of each month at FUSIT
Facilitator: Andrew Quagliata
Meets: 7 pm on the first and third Monday of the month on zoom
Facilitator: Mike Mann and Jennifer Streid-Mullen
Meets: 6:30 pm every other Tuesday either outside or on zoom
Facilitator: John Gaines
LGBTQ+ associated group
Facilitator: Ely Willard
Meets: 10:30 am every other Friday on zoom
Facilitator: June Locke
The 2024-25 Schedule of Soul Matters themes are as follows:
September 2024: Invitation
October 2024: Deep Listening
November 2024: Repair
December 2024: Presence
January 2025: Story
February 2025: Inclusion
March 2025: Trust
April 2025: Joy
May 2025: Imagination
June 2025: Freedom