January Soul Matters

At First Unitarian Society of Ithaca, worship services and Small Groups are based on a monthly theme from The Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC (a network of Unitarian Universalist congregations).

The January Soul Matters theme is Finding Our Center. This month’s packet includes a few short readings, … read more.

Library Update

Barbara Shew will be stepping away from her library duties at FUSIT, and the library is now being monitored by Marie Benedetti and joAnn kowalski. 

Over 800 books have been entered into an online database making it easy and convenient for the congregation to search for … read more.

December Soul Matters

At First Unitarian Society of Ithaca, worship services and Small Groups are based on a monthly theme from The Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC (a network of Unitarian Universalist congregations).

The December Soul Matters theme is The Path of Wonder. This month’s packet includes a few short … read more.

Article II of UUA bylaws

We recently shared with you some of what has been happening in the wider UU community and the UUA including the proposed significant changes to Article II of the UUA by-laws.

This is the article that currently includes:
a list of the seven Principles of the Association of … read more.

November Soul Matters

At First Unitarian Society of Ithaca, worship services and Small Groups are based on a monthly theme from The Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC (a network of Unitarian Universalist congregations).

The November Soul Matters theme is The Path of Change. This month’s packet includes a few short … read more.

Announcement from the Ministry Fulfillment Committee

The Ministry Fulfillment Committee was established in March 2022 to advise the FUSIT Board of Trustees on fulfilling ministry responsibilities in service to the congregation for the coming year.

Due to budget constraints, and a lack of settled minister candidates, this process was a bit different … read more.

Way Forward Guidelines

The Way Forward Team has been tasked with creating guidelines for safely resuming the in-person aspect of the work that we do here at FUSIT: worship, group meetings, programming, community outreach, and religious exploration, to name a few. We are doing our very best to move forward … read more.