Anti-Racism in the Outdoors


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A Presentation to the Membership of First Unitarian Society of Ithaca
Dec. 1, 7 – 8 pm  Via Zoom

Dr. Don Rakow

The many benefits of spending time in nature have been very well documented in recent years.  Those who spend more time in natural sites are likely to show reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, and to demonstrate improved ability to concentrate, memory recall, and sleep patterns.

Unfortunately, a number of national surveys have revealed that BIPOC individuals, and especially Black youth, engage with parks and green spaces at much lower rates than do their white counterparts.  In this presentation, Don Rakow will provide the historical framework for this disparity; discuss current conditions that serve as barriers to greater use; and reveal various initiative underway to make natural spaces more open, inviting, and responsive to expressed needs.  He will discuss his own research as well as efforts by colleagues across the US.

Email for the Zoom link or check the weekly announce.