Please see below for a list of February 2025 events at the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca. Events are held at 306 N. Aurora St unless otherwise specified. For more information, email


UUs of Color
Monday, March 3 at 6 pm

If you are a UU of Color, please join us Monday, March 3 from 6 – 7 pm for community, resource sharing, and activity planning. Please contact for online meeting details.


Learn About Natural Burial at Greensprings
Sunday, March 9 at noon in the Annex

Ever wondered about natural burial? Did you know that one of the first natural burial cemeteries in the country is just 15 minutes south of Ithaca? Come learn about Greensprings Natural Cemetery Preserve. Hear burial stories, details about what a natural burial is like, how it’s different from conventional burial, info on pre-planning, our land stewardship work, the wind phone, our hiking trails and more. There will be plenty of time for Q &A after the slide presentation. 

The presenter is Michelle Menter, a long-time FUSIT member and the Executive Director of Greensprings. She’ll be joined by board member Patti Jacobson. 


Care Cafe
Sunday, March 9 and 23
12:15 – 1:45 pm in the FUSIT Library
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month

Rev. Peaches Gillette invites you to the Care Cafe. During our time in the ‘cafe’, we openly express our thoughts, reaching into ourselves and deeply touching upon and sharing what it means to be fully human in a complicated world. Each gathering will focus on a loosely structured theme around spirituality, encouraging participants to freely explore all aspects of their spiritual journeys. Past groups have been excellent and enriching, as the flow of participants from week to week has created perfect cross-currents of relationships, broadening and securing FUSIT’s sense of community. Time together in the Care Cafe allows many of us to meet and know one another more intimately.

Rev. Peaches Gillette


March Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm

Board meetings are a hybrid format, taking place in the Parlor and through Zoom. All FUSIT members are invited to attend these meetings. Ten minutes are set aside at the beginning of the meeting for congregation feedback. Please join us!


Spiritual Yoga Class
Friday, March 21 at 5:30 pm

Please join our FUSIT exclusive Spiritual Yoga class with Madeline Natale. Yoga will be held at Yoga Farm Ithaca (509 N. Meadow St., Ithaca) on the 3rd Friday of the month from 5:30-6:30 pm with tea to follow! Bring your own mug, and maybe a snack to share. For further information, contact Madeline at


Women’s Circle
Monday, March 24 at 7 pm

Women’s Circle usually meets via Zoom on the 4th Monday of the month from 7-8:30 pm. All who identify as women are welcome. This is a drop-in group, so no need to sign up; just come. Anyone is welcome to bring a poem or a reading. For information or questions contact Nancy Miller at or 607-539-7733.


Pub Theology
Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm
Liquid State Brewing

Join us at Liquid State Brewing for an evening of good fellowship and conversation at our favorite local brewery (owned by FUSIT members!) We will gather at 6:30 pm and reflect together on our monthly theme of Living Love Through the Practice of Trust. Non-beer and non-alcoholic drinks options available! 21 and over please. Bring your friends! Hope to see you there! Pub Theology takes place on the 4th Tuesday of every month. 620 W. Green St., Ithaca.


All Things “Baby” Swap
Saturday, March 29
12 – 5 pm in the Parlor

Come swap out the old for something new! Maternity wear, Premie-5T Children’s Clothing and shoes, Baby gear/accessories, Children’s toys and books and more.

You do not need to bring anything to take what you need! All items must be in gently-used condition (no major rips/ stains). Not accepting cribs, changing tables, pumps & pump parts/ accessories, or car seats at this time. Please come browse and take what you could use!


Ministry Team Fair
Sunday, March 30

During coffee hour in the Parlor

Enjoy a cup of coffee and snacks while learning about the many and varying ways you can get involved here at the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca. We want to learn about you! What are you passionate about? What brings you joy? What are your gifts and talents? Explore our many teams and ministries and find out how engaging can deepen your connection to this community.

A complete list of Teams and Committees can be found on the website along with a description of the group and the group leader. Group members can be found in Breeze under Tags.

We are extremely grateful for all Team and Committee leaders and members! If you would like to join one of of the Teams, email


Beacon on Aurora
An Evening with Damn Tall Buildings
Sunday, March 30
 doors open at 6:30 pm, concert begins at 7 pm

Witty & engaging, Damn Tall Buildings’ energizing music finds beauty and glory in the mundane workaday struggle of everyday life: time keeps passing and the seasons come and go, you scroll too much, you smoke too much, you lose yourself, only to sit with yourself & find yourself again, you laugh with your friends, and you look out the window & dream about what else might be out there. It all keeps coming around. You carry on, intent on flourishing and thriving. This is what Damn Tall Buildings sings about, what they seek to share with their audience. In their early days, Damn Tall Buildings didn’t rehearse – they busked. Now, whether live or on record, the trio still radiates the energy of a crew of best friends playing bluegrass on the street. Anchoring that energy is their instrumental chops, their strong songwriting, and their varied influences that stretch beyond bluegrass, even beyond American roots music altogether. Whether sharing lead vocals and instrumental solos or blending their voices into high-spirited harmony, Damn Tall Buildings is a tight unit that contains more than the sum of its parts. $20 suggested donation at the door.

More information and tickets.

Religious Exploration Events for Children/Parents

Religious Exploration schedule for March
March 2 – Classroom Sunday
March 9 – Creative Sunday (Take Apart Party) 
March 16 – Multigenerational Service
March 23 – Classroom Sunday
March 30 – Creative Sunday 

Parent & Kid Crafternoon
Sundays, March 2 and 23 at 12:15 pm

Join us for a Parent & Kid Crafternoon in the Arch Room after service on two Sundays in March! We’ll have a variety of pre-sorted beads in different colors, bead molds, and wax paper and an iron for when you finish your project! Parents must stay and accompany their child(ren), but there are plenty of beads to go around! The iron will be used by adults only! Hope to see you for two fun afternoons of bead creation-making! 

Take Apart Party!
Sunday, March 9

During our Creative Sunday on March 9th children and youth will be participating in a Take Apart Party. We will explore the innards of computers, electronics and machines as a part of our monthly theme of Trust. And we need your help! If you have any broken or obsolete electronics (hair dryer, keyboard, telephone) that you are happy to part with in the name of exploration please bring them to First UU by March 2nd and contact Emily Richards at dre@uuithaca. Are you an engineer or just really knowledgeable of the innards of technology? Please let us know if you’d like to help us learn about the things we take apart.

March Movie Night
Friday, March 14
5:30 – 8 pm, Arch Room

Drop your kids off, or stay and join us, for a movie night, complete with dinner and snacks! Drop off is available for children ages 4 and up. Children 3 and under must have a caregiver attend with them.

Movie Night Registration

Music for Little People
Wednesdays, March 5 and 19
10 – 10:45 am in the Arch Room

Share in the joy of music in this class which is free and open to the public. Children 0-5 and their caregivers are welcome to meet us in the Arch Room each month. Sing, play, dance, explore instruments, and connect through music.

Connection Circle for Parents – Childcare Provided
Sunday, March 16
12 – 1 pm in the FUSIT Library

A Connection Circle for individuals who are actively parenting. The group will follow the Soul Matters themes with a focus on how they are related to the journey and experience of being a parent. Gatherings will take place monthly on the third Sunday of the month from 12 – 1 pm, with childcare available. We invite you to join us for an opportunity for connection and community within our larger First UU community, in a safe, confidential and nurturing environment