Living the Pledge to End Racism

Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop
Six Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
May 8 to June 12 

FUSIT committed to action on racism by adopting the 8th Principle two years ago. The Living the Pledge workshop is a perfect way for you to explore how you can get involved in anti-racism work. Many have found it worthwhile and challenging.

In the workshop we will:
 Explore our own experiences with racism as children, and later into adulthood.
 Examine our own implicit and explicit biases.
 Learn to recognize and respond to micro-aggressions.
 Improve our understanding of institutional and systemic racism.
 Learn more about Black Lives Matter and associated groups.
 Consider our personal commitments to fight racism.

Before each session, participants will prepare for discussion by reading articles and watching videos. You will be assigned to a small group that will meet for about half of our time together after a large group introduction to the session’s topic.

This spring’s workshop will take place over six consecutive Wednesday evenings on Zoom. A reliable internet connection is required. Each session runs two hours. You must commit to all six sessions.

Register Here

For questions contact Nancy Miller,