Way Forward Guidelines

The Way Forward Team has been tasked with creating guidelines for safely resuming the in-person aspect of the work that we do here at FUSIT: worship, group meetings, programming, community outreach, and religious exploration, to name a few. We are doing our very best to move forward each month towards a place of togetherness in a way that honors the need for physical safety for the most vulnerable among us, while also filling our collective need for connections, community, and spiritual care. 

The Way Forward Team met recently and updated the meeting guidelines.

~Mask use is being kept in place for church activities including worship.

~Coffee Hour will be returning on May 1. Everyone should remain masked for the first ten minutes, until coffee is served, at which point those who feel comfortable doing so may remove their masks for the duration of Coffee Hour.

~A portion of the sanctuary will remain reserved for social distancing. The other portion will be opened up without spacing restrictions. 

Complete guidelines

Thank you to the Way Forward Team for helping to keep our community safe!