The organization chart (below) shows the Congregation as the source for the organization. The Congregation elects both the Trustees and the Nominations Committee. The Board appoints two partnering teams. One for managing operations including administration and the other to guide the ministry work of the church. 

As stated in our bylaws, the Board of Trustees has ultimate authority and oversight for all FUSIT activities. But in this adapted structure (without a single full-time minister), the Board delegates authority and responsibility to its partners: staff, Operations Administrative Team (OAT), and Ministry Visioning Team (MVT) for day-to-day operations and activities. The Board then can focus on goal setting, planning, budgeting, policy setting for broad guiderails for staff, OAT, and MVT to work within, and
monitoring/evaluating activities and our direction.

The Operations Administrative Team (OAT) is tasked to oversee the administration of the church operations. It will serve as a supervisor to the paid administration staff members and review their work annually. It will also oversee spending and make budget recommendations.

The Ministry Visioning Team (MVT) is tasked to guide and coordinate the work of the ministry by overseeing programming, ministry teams, and affinity groups to bring to life the annually developed, Vision of Ministry. It will serve as a supervisor to the paid ministry staff members and review their work annually.

OAT and MVT meet monthly and send a representative to participate in the monthly Board meetings. 

Spiritual leadership will be inspired by our Congregational Life Staff, Emily Richards (Director of Congregational Life), Rev. Janet Shortall (Pastoral Care Associate), Rev. Peaches Gillette (Preacher and Program Associate).

The organization chart refers to Committees. Committees are appointed by the Board and serve in roles described within our bylaws which are to advise the Board. 

The organization chart also refers to Teams. The Ministry Visioning Team may create Teams that function to inform and support the Ministry work of the Society. Some teams shall exist through the years and provide continuity and means for fulfilling the ministry mission of the Society. Others are set up temporarily for special needs. 

Current Teams and Committees can be found here

The organization chart refers to Affinity Groups which are ad hoc gatherings of folks with common interest. Current affinity groups can be found here

The organization chart refers to Staff. Information on the staff can be found here.

FUSIT Org Chart

Learn More about the Partnership Governance practiced at FUSIT