Our Elected Leaders
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for directing church personnel, maintaining financial stability, establishing Board policy, and promoting the general welfare of the church.
It is the mission of the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca’s Board of Trustees to serve the congregation through leadership, example, and education. We will do this by: supporting the Principles and Purposes of the UUA and the Mission and Vision statements of the congregation, overseeing and supporting the programs and paid staff of the church, responsibly managing the church’s finances, conducting and overseeing all business matters of the congregation, representing the congregation to the community, and communicating our shared UU values to both the congregation and the greater community.
You may contact the entire Board through an email addressed to board@uuithaca.org.
The minutes of Board meetings are published one month after each meeting. This time delay occurs because the minutes must be read, amended, or corrected, and then approved, by the Trustees at the next meeting of the Board.
Fred Balfour, Board President
Tom Coakley, Board Vice President
Erin Treat, Board Clerk
Don Barber
Rene Rogers
Megan McCormick
Wren Tuatha
Sharon Markus