In addition to our Teams and Committees that fulfill vital church roles, First Unitarian Society of Ithaca offers many “Affinity Groups” as a way for congregants to socialize and create community. Our programs and activities are open to all who wish to share in this church and its vital commitment to liberal religion. Affinity Group information and contact information is below. You are also welcome to contact the church administrator with questions at 607-273-7521 or Please also see our Volunteer Opportunities.

CHOIR. Beginners to experienced singers welcome! The choir performs during the last Sunday service of the month and rehearses Thursdays at 7 pm in the Annex. Contact Choir Director, Jayne Demakos with questions or to sign up! 

DINER’S CLUB meets approximately once a month from November through April on a rotating basis for dish-to-pass dinners and conversation in members’ homes. The groups range in size from six to ten people and are always open to receive new participants. Contact Jane at

LIVING WITH CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP We offer peer-to-peer support and resource sharing in a small-group virtual setting to persons who suffer from chronic illness and/or pain. The group is now entirely folks with one of the following diagnoses:  FMS, ME/CFS, MCS, and Long COVID, so the discussion is most useful to folks with one or more of the listed problems. We meet by Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. The meetings are facilitated by Judy Jones, who sends out the zoom link on the day of the meeting. For further information, call Judy at 607-273-2760 or Dianne Ferriss at 607-272-6896.

The UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST UKELELE UNION (UUUU) This group, with the twin missions of having fun and building community both within the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca and beyond, plays together occasionally at church services and other events around town. Contact Music Director Stephanie Ortolano at to get on our email list.

UUs OF COLOR We invite people of color (having AfricanLatinxAsianArabMiddle EasternNative AmericanPacific Islander identities) into this newly created group to meet at 6 pm on the first Monday of the month; we may also meet around meaningful events, holidays, or circumstances. Our purpose is to commune with one another, magnify our voices, and coordinate our efforts. Activities may include having meals together, welcoming new POC into the congregation, planning a service, collaborating with other groups at (or beyond) FUSIT, and more. Please contact for more meeting details, information, and ways to get involved.

WOMEN’S CIRCLE generally meets on the fourth Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  All who identify as women are welcome. Anyone is welcome to bring a poem or a reading. For information or questions contact Nancy Miller at or 607 539 7733.  The group is currently meeting by Zoom. Please email Nancy for the Zoom link.