Weekly Updates

Each week we send email updates (the Weekly Announce) that list all the important happenings at the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca. To be added to the list, email office@uuithaca.org.

Ithaca UU Connections – Monthly Newsletter

The UU Connections Newsletter is published monthly September through June. Newsletters for the current church year are listed below. To see earlier versions, please visit our Newsletter Archive Page.

If you would like to submit items for the newsletter, please contact our Administrative Assistant at adminasst@uuithaca.org.

March-2025-Connections-3 February-2025-Connections-1 January-2025-Connections-1-1 December-2024-Connections-4 November-2024-Connections-2 October-2024-Connections-1 Final-September-2024-Connections Summer-2024-Connections-2

Ithaca UU Connections Archive